The First 2013 Post


The big thing: My story “Shadows Under Hexmouth Street” got a nod from Lois Tilton, one of Locus Magazine’s short fiction reviewers, on her Best of the Year post. You can read her post here.

And, if you’re inclined, you can read the story about urban sorcerers in a decaying city here.

I’m always a bit squeamish about linking to good reviews, because I think in general you should ignore reviews and just keep on keeping on with what you want to do. Don’t let other people define who you are and all that, but… well… it wasn’t like I had a great year publishing-wise, so if I’m tooting my own horn, at least it’s a small horn.

Writing-wise, I wrote a shitastic novel, started two others, wrote five new stories, and sold one (so I’ll have something new coming out in 2013). I received 25 rejection letters and wrote something like 300K words this year.  It might be more — significantly so.  I don’t have an exact figure because two weeks back I spilled a cup of tea on my laptop, and since there are no Mac stores nearby in South Korea, I’ve been using an old netbook while at home, and the netbook doesn’t have the spreadsheet on it where I track all these things because I am on of those people who tracks data “for fun”, having worked at office jobs for too long and chewed too many paint chips as a child.

Not sure how many books I read this year, something like 50+. I track all that junk at Goodreads, along with keeping a list at home, but it’s on that other computer, you know the one that’s an inert metal slab at the moment.

One great thing about 2012 was finding folks to game with here in South Korea. The Vaults of Ur have been a hoot to run. I might branch out and run a more political game this year — but we’ll see, because I’ve got another novel project I’m keen to work on and that’s where I plan on keeping my attention for the next six months.

In 40 hours I board a plane to the USA. While I’m there I hope to have the inert metal slab returned to functioning computer status.

Yesterday I took part in a Polar Bear Plunge. It was great fun, and I recommend it. Seriously. Tomorrow I’ll likely run around like mad trying to do all the junk I put off doing before my trip.

I finished The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao last night. It’s an amazing book. You should read it.

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4 responses to “The First 2013 Post”

  1. asakiyume says :

    Shadows under Hexmouth Street was a great story, and I’m glad Lois Tilton liked it!

    I’ve always wanted to do the Polar Bear thing. Way to go, making that happen!

    • Justin says :


      You could do the Polar Bear thing tomorrow! It’s great fun. Bring sweats, fleeces, and/or a big towel because the worst thing isn’t the water, but the wind chill afterwards.

  2. Rick Bowes says :

    Look forward to seeing you. The danger of the Polar Bear isn’t the water. It’s the lack of clothes cold weather. Body heat flows out of you in all directions.

    • Justin says :

      Well, it’s not like I’m saying lie down, soaking wet, in an unheated and uninsulated shack afterwards. And besides, your body is so numb you don’t even feel the cold.

      I look forward to seeing you too.

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