Tag Archive | into the odd

Temple of the Rafter Wights

Check out my itch page for a new adventure, Towers of the Rafter Wights:

The Scour: a once fertile valley destroyed by the wrath of an angry god. The god’s anger was so great that even now, centuries after their ascension, their wrath remains. First, in a corrosive mist that blankets the floor of the valley. Second, in the rafter wights, the once worshiped eternal godbirds, now doomed to a cycle of death and resurrection for all eternity by their negligent creator.   

Once a century, the rafter wights rise from the valley floor, reborn from the dust of the Scour’s former cities. On the days of their rebirth, the wights rise above the mist before the sunlight sets them aflame. It is a marvelous sight that attracts birdwatchers and tourists from across the Metroscape. Now the time of rebirth approaches again, and one ornithologist hopes to capture a rafter wight and return home with it… alive.   

Towers of the Rafter Wights is a birdwatching wilderness adventure, featuring a toxic mist-choked valley and doomed godbirds. It is written for Into the Odd, but can be placed in any weird fantasy setting.

Download it here: https://yesterweird.itch.io/towers-of-the-rafter-wights

Crypt of the Muscle Mummy: Touch the Void, You Turkeynecks!

Granted immortality in the long-distant Primeval Eons, the Muscle Mummies have returned from the depths of time. Now, by using state-of-the-art isolation technology, meditative void techniques, and body-numbing repetitive exercises, along with the traditional twin engines of guilt and shame, they offer to cultivate the void mind within anyone!

Including you!

Only by honing the body as well as the mind in the void’s furnace can anyone hope to achieve immortality. A hard task. But don’t worry, our personal trainers are here to help!  

Crypt of the Muscle Mummy is an adventure location featuring undead fitness coaches. It can be placed in any metropolitan fantasy setting. You can find it here on my itch page at https://yesterweird.itch.io/crypt-of-the-muscle-mummy

Musical inspiration from the Novas.


Two day ago, Scrypthouse ZLX-1197 reported receiving a strange signal. Since then the house has gone silent. You’re to escort and protect the maintenance team sent to fix whatever went wrong. 

That shouldn’t be too hard.


A 16-page investigative adventure for Electric Bastionland and other weird adventure settings. Includes inspiration for making living houses and a list of lexical diseases to amuse and frustrate players.

Download it here.

(This is an updated version of ideas initially presented in Mysthead 3.) 

Auzomatic Cafeteria Temples & Cookbook

Does your roleplaying campaign need a good diner?

Do you ever wish you had a bunch of tables to generate strange sounding meals?

The Auzomatic Order is a religious order that follows the example of Auzomat the Great Worm that burrows in the crawlspace beneath the world. The order builds cheap eateries wherever the ectoflesh from the crawlspace breaks forth into our reality.

In Auzomatic Cafeteria Temples you will discover the history of the order and the layout of one of their restaurants.

In The Auzomatic Cookbook you will find everything you need to generate strange meals to amuse and confuse yourself and your players!

Atalante’s Portable Megadungeon

Here’s a write-up of the greatest magic item of all time: Atalante’s Portable Megadungeon.

Knights check in, but they don’t check out!

And yes, it’s based on the Knight Hotel from Orlando Furioso.

If you want all this in a PDF version, you can find one free here on my itch page.


Atalante’s Portable Megadungeon is a large, roughly rectangular carved stone.

  • The Stone: The stone is portable, but heavy, as large as a thick tome. It is a bulky item. When placed on the ground outdoors and the command word is spoken, the stone’s spirit instantly creates an illusory megadungeon.
  • Megadungeon Appearance: The megadungeon’s exterior appears as an ancient imposing fortress. The gate is open and unguarded. The megadungeon’s interior is an endless array of rooms, corridors, halls, towers, and courtyards that unfold before its unwitting prisoners.
  • Illusion of Heart’s Desire: The stone’s spirit can discern the heart’s desire of anyone within the dungeon or within sight of the gatehouse. The spirit can generate the illusion of a humanoid foe carrying whatever this desire may be deeper into the dungeon.
  • Entering the Dungeon: Anyone who passes beneath the gate falls under the spirit’s spell and will not be able to find the gate again without a guide unaffected by the illusions.
  • Heroes check in, but they don’t check out: At any given time there will be 2D12 prisoners already trapped within the megadungeon.
  • The Megadungeon is inhabited: The spirit creates illusory foes. The creatures are unaware that they are illusions and behave as if they were real. They will have factions and regularly intrigue against each other.
  • Cruel, but not Evil: The spirit has no desire to kill its prisoners or see them killed. Its job is to keep its prisoners trapped inside for as long as possible. Prisoners of the dungeon can take damage but can not be slain by an illusion while in the dungeon. The spirit will also use illusions to keep prisoners from killing each other. Food and drink can be found by those trapped inside.
  • Immunity: The stone’s owner is immune to its illusions and can locate and move to any individual trapped inside in a single round. Individuals immune to illusions can recognize that the megadungeon and its inhabitants are not real. However the illusions behave as if they were real when encountered.
  • Escaping the Dungeon: It is impossible to escape while under the spirit’s spell. However if one is unaffected by its illusions and can find the stone in the gatehouse and expose its arcane mark to sunlight, the spirit will take material form. If defeated in combat, duel of wits, or any sort of contest the spirit will dispell the illusion and the megadungeon vanish. All prisoners will be freed instantly with full health. The spirit can not be summoned again for a month and a day.


Slugknot House and Slime Gardens

Back again to share a link to my latest Into the Odd, Troika, Planescape, Electric Bastionland mess.

This time it’s off to Skugknot House a recently renovated mansion at the center of a neighborhood decaying before an onslaught of extradimensional slime. Marvel as the slug folk unwind and relax! Consult a slime mold with a PhD in Civil Engineering! Ride above the ooze in a bathysphere at the center of a gelatinous cube!

Enjoy! As always feel free to grab a community copy for any reason.


And if you enjoy these pamphlets and would like to support their continued production please consider supporting my patreon. You get these, sneak peaks of WIPs, and a weekly-ish update of reading, watching, and thunking.

The Endless Gallery


Here’s an adventure locale depicting an infinite art gallery space. Explore a maze of exhibition spaces, ateliers, and neglected sculpture. Flee the terrors of parasitic art-shaped objects and attempt to understand the strange jargon of the alien curators.

Designed for Into the Odd, The Endless Gallery can be adapted to most surrealistic style adventure games like Troika or even D&D of the Planescape sort (at least as I would play it.).



100 Dubious Philosophies & Esoteric Aesthetic Movements

This is a list of dubious philosophies and aesthetic movements partially inspired by the novel Odile by Raymond Queneau. A free PDF of this list can be found on my itch.io page. May it provide you with some amusement.

001 The Polysystematizers
002 The Phenomenophile Co-Materialists
003 The Dialetical Telepathicans
004 The Unreformed Piatiletkian Fellow Travelers
005 The Revisionist Anthroposophists
006 The Discordant Anthroposophists
007 The Plurivalent Dyshamonists
008 The Contraceptual Believers
009 The Paralyrical Mediumists
010 The Unresolved Pro-Ultra-Gray Fanatic Front
011 The Incubophile Spiritualists
012 The Unadulterated Asymmetric Revolutionaries
013 The Intolerant League of Polypsychists
014 The Pro-Mayhem Anti-Violence Pacifist Brigade
015 The Contracorp Fruitarians
016 The Uncoordinated Metaphychists
017 The Disseminated Parachists
018 The Barbiturates League
019 The Psychoanalysis by Correspondence League
020 The Salty Eggs Luncheon Group
021 The Dissident Socio-Messiahs
022 The Non-Active Nihilistic Periphery
023 The Revolutionary Anti-Intellectuals
024 The Revolving Integral Nullifiers
025 The Initiated Anti-Esoteric Trade Unionists
026 The Thirty-One Deep Country Groups
027 The Non-Conforming Sycophantic Faction
028 The Three Times Removed
029 The Nullfidian Collectivists
030 The Choplogic Bloc
031 The Followers of Whannt
032 The Shrouded Brethren
033 The Exemplary Forward
034 The Walkers Beneath the Sea
035 The Esteemed Combobulators
036 The Mnenomancers League
037 The Fragmentary Sporadicists
038 The Wayward Syndicate
039 The Peripatetic Harmonizers
040 The Inscrutable Academics
041 The Polarizing Disassociaters
042 The Zoological Concrete
043 The Non-Technical Sublime
044 The Air Loom Operators
045 The Shaver Host
046 The Active Worriers
047 The Repeating Premagnetizers
048 The Grosbanal Insertion
049 The Lyrical Minimalists
050 The Linear Vorticists
051 The Anti-Clerical Papacy
052 The Bicamarel Psychoanalysts
053 The Aerial Expansionists
054 The Order of Erudite Metaphysicians
055 The Infernal Grammarians
056 The Consolidated Puzzlers
057 The Gaxmold Liberation Front
058 The Gary Moldvay Group
059 The Re-Incorporated Etheric Arrangers
060 The Variable Harmonists
061 The Coalition of Heretical Choirs
062 The Twelve Unorthodox Adherents
063 The Manifold Diligence
064 The Raving Urbanologists
065 The Arch Royal Brotherhood
066 The Driven Word
067 The Abernathy Wormwold Descriptivist Agenda
068 The Celestial Builders Connection
069 The Tuesday Night Climbers
070 The Osmosis Steel Circle
071 The Oneironautic Initiative
072 The Duoshulginist Tendency
073 The Button Club
074 The Left-Handed Chess Players
075 The Goldminer’s Children
076 The Underdwellers
077 The Raskrogan Realtors
078 The Sand Counters
079 The Erasmus Brigade
080 The Beyond Team
081 The Outsividisismists
082 The Scattered Seeds of the Exiled Regents
083 The Optimate International
084 The Perspicacious Exegetes
085 The Antediluvian Peoples Faction
086 The Resurrected Pyromantic Gang
087 The Smokewrights Order
088 The Stargazer Pie Supper Club
089 The Ascendant Bibliomaniacs
090 The Morganwig Shoutsmiths
091 The Pastel Winged Seraphim
092 The Free Shepherds
093 The Near-Sighted Sharpshooters
094 The Occluded Shadowers
095 The Occasional Witnesses
096 The League of the Long Afternoon
097 The 842 Club
098 The Sky Lighters Co-Dependency
099 The Twilight Minsters
100 The Mistaken

Cemetery of the Sepulchral Monolith

I’ve uploaded a new adventure to my itch page…

Somewhere near the edge of Bastion on the borders of Deep Country a monolith stands. A pockmarked slab of a strange mineral-like material, the monolith is in fact alive and it consumes ghosts to survive!

Cemetery of the Sepulchral Monolith is a brochure adventure for Chris McDowall’s Into the Odd, but can be used for similar games. In it you will encounter a monolith that generates ghosts in order to consume them, three factions, and a number of other interesting locales.

The price tag is 3USD, but feel free to download a community copy for any reason.

And if you’d like, you can support me on patreon. You get glimpses of WIPs, early access to anything I make, and a weekly post of morbid introspection!

Doesn’t that sound fun?

Balloon Tomb of the Ancient Aeronaut

Remember all those UFO and “spy” balloon shenanigans from a month or so ago?

They got me imagining a whole upper atmosphere region populated with lost kites, desiccated corpses of early aviation pioneers, and strange creatures like in that old Arthur Conan Doyle story “The Horror of the Heights”:

“A visitor might descend upon this planet a thousand times and never see a tiger. Yet if he chanced to come down into a jungle he might be devoured. There are jungles of the upper air, and worse things than tigers inhabit them.”

Anyway…dare you enter the Balloon Tomb of the Ancient Aeronaut?

Balloon Tomb of the Ancient Aeronaut is a brochure adventure for Chris McDowall’s Into the Odd and similar games. In it you will explore an ancient airborne bouncy dungeon tomb. The price tag is 3USD, but you should feel free to download a community copy.

Find it here: https://yesterweird.itch.io/the-balloon-tomb

Some GM tips from the playtest:

  • Don’t sweat the getting there. An experimental Researchery airship dropped the party off and would pick them up when they wanted to leave.
  • To describe the tomb builder’s culture I said: “Imagine the ancient Egyptians except all their jewelery is made from balloons.” “Inflatable ancient Egyptian stuff” went a long way when giving descriptions.
  • I didn’t require any movement checks to move inside the tomb, but I maximized the bouncing. For this I used a d8 to determine direction then rerolling if they hit something before moving the full amount. Maximize the bounce!
  • The first encounter was turbulence. This bounced characters apart and split the party. I recommend throwing that at them right away. It’s likely you won’t have to contrive things to do this because if they land at the top they will definitely be tempted to investigate the pilot balloons, thereby disturbing them, and making the whole tomb veer towards turbulence.
  • The monsters might or might not be tough, but the fear of falling out of the tomb was a lot stronger.