Archive | February 15, 2023

Some Yesterweird Books

I make it a habit to check new uploads to Project Gutenberg.

Some recent highlights:

Freak Trees of the State of New York by Gurth Adelbert Whipple. Gurth Adelbert Whipple is a great name. Here people send Mr. Whipple pictures of freak trees and Mr. Whipple decides the freakiest! “Treebeard, you so nasty!”

Was It a Ghost? The Murders in Bussey’s Wood : An Extraordinary Narrative by Brent. This is about this awful murder case in Boston that features a criminal named “Scratch Gravel”. The Jamaica Plain Historical Society has an informative write up of the case.

Early British Trackways, Moats, Mounds, Camps, and Sites by Alfred Watkins. I love the cover. Leylines come from this book but it’s likely Mr. Watkins would not be happy to know what the New Age Movement has done to his theories,

Meanwhile on the Patreon, I’m doing a read through of JK Huysmans Against the Grain. It’s a novel about a guy who doesn’t leave the house and is great fun. You can join here to follow along. You’ll also get access to the game stuff I make before it shows up on itch and elsewhere. (Or while it’s a WIP that hasn’t come together yet. Looking at you Champion’s Mark, my Orlando Furioso inspired fantasy supplement.)

Later this month I’ll be releasing an adventure inspired by all the UFOs and “spy” balloons the USA has been shooting down lately: Balloon Tomb of the Ancient Aeronaut. It’s designed for Into the Odd and has players exploring an ancient airborne bouncy castle. Join my Patreon and you can grab that now!